September 29, 2010

Happy Hump Day!


There's something wrong with that picture.  Let me see if I can fix it.

There!  That's better!

P.S.  I know my photoshopping skills suck so just kiss my butt ok?

September 21, 2010

Thank you Darien!

Darien Shimy found this "costume" on filed under their sexy costume category.  Methinks that some folks are trying to redefine the meaning of sexy.  Of course, nothing says sexy like dressing up as your fave biblical character to bring all the ladies to the yard.  Pimp.

And the Father of the Year Award goes to...


This dad is very supportive of his daughter.  Next year, she is going to be a stripper while daddy carries around the dancing pole.  Brings a tear to my eye. *sniff